The Lucky draw evening on 21st Feb was a great success with about 50 attendees.

The lucky members who collected prizes were :


First prize – R1000 – Simon Strang

Second prize –  R500 gift voucher – Richard Aitken

Third Prize -Scotch – Wally Lees

Attendance prize – R250 gift voucher – James






A big thank you to Harry and Garth Finnemore for assisting with the draw. These two laaities are such enthusiasts of the social evenings and are ever so keen to pull the numbers to find the winners.


While we are talking about juniors ………


I know that all you big fisherman have been trying to catch a bass without much luck – perhaps you should consult 9 year old RYNO SYKES who caught this nice specimen at Dumat.


Here is what he had to say – “My first bass! I was really happy but also really scared when I pulled it out ” That look says it all!






Tight lines everyone.


Ron Duckworth


Mt. Edgecombe CC Angling Section

071 606 4709