Mount Edgecombe Estate 1 is zoned for 281 residential properties. 205 Freehold Properties and 76 Sectional Title Complexes. We have 5 Villages, i.e. St. Andrews Village, Muirfield Village, Troon Village, Birkdale Village and Hoylake Village. Estate 1 has 4 Communities Centres including a pool in the following Villages: St. Andrews, Birkdale, Hoylake and Muirfield Village. A tennis court can be found in Hoylake Village. The home of Mount Edgecombe Country Club can be found on Estate 1 via Gate 2 entrance and boasts two unique championship courses, designed around the natural life and habitat of the land. As a residential member, you have an overwhelming sense of tranquillity, safety and Attraction. The Estate is fully secured with 24/7 Security Personal onsite together with an Electric parameter fence line.

Mount Edgecombe Estate 2 is zoned for approximately 891 residential opportunities, 543 of which are freehold sites. The balance comprises 46 sectional title developments: Litcheford, Chamonix, Chasselle, Ambleside Manors, Hickory Park, Cherrywood, Sedgewick Close, Sandhurst, Echo Lake, Crystal Gardens, Crystal Green, Grassmere, Lakeside, Oakleigh Park, Copperstone Green, 81 Merrick Hills, 99&101 Merrick Hills, Merrick Pines, 76/78 Merrick Hills, Carradale, Greenvallely, Pinecrest, Stoneybridge, Quail Gardens, The Gables, Bramble Hill, On The Edge, Brookfield North, Brookfield South, Glenmuir, Maddison Gardens, Columbia Court, Evanston, Dunning, The Fairways, Bishops Court, Harvard Green, Camden Two, St James, Camden, Hathaway, Callaway, Stradford, Kerryvale, Carmen Close, Wedgefield. All are resales on Mount Edgecombe Estate 2 and are administered by approved sales agents. Please note: Mount Edgecombe Estate 2 does not have an in-house sales facility.

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